Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
Genealogy of the Lindell, Herndon, Bonnell, and Fairbanks families.
Robert Paul Herndon

Robert Paul Herndon (I116)[1]

Male 1909 - 1992  (83 years)

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  • Sources 
    1. [S315] [Herndon-2024] Herndon, William Robert, Lindell-Herndon Genealogy, Washington, District of Columbia: By the author, 2024.

    2. [S26] [TxDoH-1932a] "Birth Certificate of William Cecil Herndon," Austin, Texas: Texas Department of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1932, register 1561, page 60516.

    3. [S233] [OkSDoH-1909a] "Birth Certificate of Robert Paul Herndon," Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Oklahoma State Department of Health, register 5864.

    4. [S108] [US-SSA-1937a] "Robert Paul Herndon - Original Application for Social Security Account Number," Washington, District of Columbia: Social Security Administration, 1937.

    5. [S113] [Anderson-1964] Anderson, Ethel Nichols et al., Draper Families in America, Nashville, Tennessee: The Parthenon Press, 1964.

    6. [S261] [WestMemphis-1992] "Obituary of Robert Herndon," West Memphis Evening News, page 2.

    7. [S55] [US-1910-1a] "Hugo City, Choctaw County, Oklahoma," Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910,
      Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T624, roll 1247, E.D. 58, sheet 23A.

    8. [S696] [SanQuentin-1941a] "San Quentin Mug Book 62413-71409, Photos 1926-1956," California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison Records, 1850 – 1950, Sacramento, California: Office of the Secretary of State, California State Archives, ID# R135, page 197, entry 59.

    9. [S260] [Crittenden-1992] "Death Certificate of Robert Paul Herndon," Marion, Arkansas: Office of the Crittenden County Clerk, 2002, register 0179333.

    10. [S262] [Cobb-1992] "Funeral Record of Robert Paul Herndon," Blytheville, Arkansas: Cobb Funeral Home, 1992.

    11. [S251] [Bryan-1908] "Marriage License of R. B. Herndon and Tennie Calhoun," Durant, Bryan County, Oklahoma: County Clerk’s Office.

    12. [S437] [US-SSS-1917a] "World War I Draft Registration - Robert Boyd Herndon," World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917 - 1918, Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), reel 1852072, reference 35-2-17-A, card 136.

    13. [S399] [DonaAna-1932] "Marriage License of Robert Paul Herndon and Elizabeth Marina Masten," Doña Ana County, Marriages, Las Cruces, New Mexico: Office of Doña Ana County Clerk, 2011, volume 12, page 297.

    14. [S1283] [SanQuentin-1941c1] "Inmate Identification Photograph Cards/Inmates 65801 - 67700: Robert Paul Herndon," California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison Records, 1850 – 1950, Sacramento, California: Office of the Secretary of State, California State Archives, ID# R135, registration# 67459.

    15. [S1284] [SanQuentin-1941c2] "Inmate Identification Photograph Cards/Inmates 65801 - 67700: Robert Paul Herndon," California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison Records, 1850 – 1950, Sacramento, California: Office of the Secretary of State, California State Archives, ID# R135, registration# 67459 (reverse).

    16. [S700] [ModestoBee-1941a] "Forger Is Given Term In Prison," Modesto Bee, page 4, column 8.

    17. [S696] [SanQuentin-1941a] "San Quentin Mug Book 62413-71409, Photos 1926-1956," California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison Records, 1850 – 1950, Sacramento, California: Office of the Secretary of State, California State Archives, ID# R135, page 197, entry 59.

    18. [S697] [SanQuentin-1941b] "Description of the Prisoners Received at the State Prison at San Quentin, During November 1941," California Department of Corrections - San Quentin State Prison Records, 1850 – 1950, Sacramento, California: Office of the Secretary of State, California State Archives, ID# R135, page 422, commitment number 67459.

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