Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
Genealogy of the Lindell, Herndon, Bonnell, and Fairbanks families.


Matches 1 to 50 of 3,485

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1  Griffin, Nathan Lipscomb (I2106)
2  Persson, Jan Eric (I2362)
3 (may be 12 Feb 1910) Family: George Hausauer / Margaret Pauline Jarvis (F266)
4 (unknown number) Railroad Avenue Herndon, William Pinkney (I3284)
5 (unknown number) Railroad Avenue Herndon, Clara B (I3288)
6 (unknown number) Railroad Avenue Blalock, Hannah Lee (I3858)
7 1 Chauncey Street Eastman, Eliza Ann (I202)
8 1 Chauncey Street Pettigrew, John W (I208)
9 1 Chauncey Street Pettigrew, Herbert Franklin (I224)
10 1 Wolfe Tone Street Thomson, Euphemia (I39)
11 1 Wolfe Tone Street Fairbanks, Thomas (I3981)
12 1 Wolfe Tone Street Fairbanks, Martha (I4165)
13 10 Jun 1872 is the date that Botilda Mårtensson left Onslunda with her family on their way to North America, not the date of their actual emigration from Sweden. Mårtensson, Botilda (I4110)
14 10 Jun 1872 is the date that Maria Mårtensson left Onslunda with her family on their way to North America, not the date of their actual emigration from Sweden. Mårtensson, Maria (I4111)
15 10 Jun 1872 is the date that Ola Mårtensson and his family left Onslunda on their way to North America, not the date of their actual emigration from Sweden. Mårtensson, Ola (I2035)
16 10 Jun 1872 is the date that Oscar Mårtensson left Onslunda with his family on their way to North America, not the date of their actual emigration from Sweden. Mårtensson, Oscar (I4112)
17 101 Addington Road Tutein, Constantine Diedrich (I235)
18 101 Addington Road Tutein, Constantine Diedrich (I235)
19 101 Addington Road Tutein, Constantine Diedrich (I235)
20 101 Addington Road Kimball, Alice Gertrude (I238)
21 101 Addington Road Kimball, Alice Gertrude (I238)
22 102 South 15th Street Herndon, Thomas B (I2247)
23 102 South 15th Street Bennett, Lillie (I3297)
24 1044 Saratoga Street Lowe, Emily (I37)
25 1044 Saratoga Street Frohock, Maurice Atkinson (I104)
26 105 Thirteenth Street Tutein, Blanche (I192)
27 105 Thirteenth Street Foster, Jesse (I193)
28 105 Thirteenth Street Foster, Grace E (I4238)
29 105 Trout Street Helpinstill, James Buren (I2663)
30 1057 Saratoga Street Frohock, Maurice Atkinson (I104)
31 106 Lawrence Avenue Fairbanks, Robert Stanley (I31)
32 106 Lawrence Avenue Tutein, Ruth Edna (I69)
33 1062 Dalzell Street Herndon, Ina Langford (I2653)
34 1062 Dalzell Street Sharp, William Herbert (I2660)
35 1062 Dalzell Street Sharp, William James (I5154)
36 1062 Dalzell Street Sharp, Robert Herbert (I5155)
37 1065 Saratoga Street Frohock, Millard Maurice II (I98)
38 107 Mound Street Herndon, Mattie Delena (I2652)
39 107 Mound Street Campbell, Robert Edward (I2659)
40 107 Mound Street Campbell, Robert Herndon (I2667)
41 107 Mound Street Campbell, Autie Mae (I5151)
42 1080 Main Street Fairbanks, Florence Martha (I29)
43 1080 Main Street Fairbanks, Robert Stanley (I31)
44 1080 Main Street Fairbanks, Robert (I32)
45 1080 Main Street Lowe, Hannah Elizabeth (I34)
46 1080 Main Street Chadwick, Maria (I44)
47 1084 Saratoga Street Fairbanks, Samuel Richard (I27)
48 1084 Saratoga Street Fairbanks, Samuel Richard (I27)
49 1084 Saratoga Street Fairbanks, Florence Martha (I29)
50 1084 Saratoga Street Fairbanks, Florence Martha (I29)

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