Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
Genealogy of the Lindell, Herndon, Bonnell, and Fairbanks families.


Matches 1 to 50 of 1599

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 #  ID   Source 
1 S1 [US-SSA-SSDI] Social Security Death Index, Master File, Washington, District of Columbia: Social Security Administration (SSA), 2016.
2 S3 [Fairbanks-1978] Fairbanks, Robert Stanley, Fairbanks, Lowe, and Chadwick Families.
3 S5 [Tutein-1997a] Tutein, Alan Bruce (submitter), Herbert Warren Tutein Family.
4 S20 [Johnson-1985] Johnson, Susan, Johnson/Lindell Families.
5 S21 [Rauls-1998] Rauls, Elizabeth, Rauls Family.
6 S24 [McCown-1998] McCown, Leonard J., McCown Family History (
7 S29 [Stiles-1998] Stiles, William W., Stiles Family Genealogical Compilation (additions by Lois Kay Farnham).
8 S31 [US-1920-1a] "Voting Precinct 24, El Paso City, El Paso County, Texas," Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T625, roll 1799, E.D. 70, sheet 7A.
9 S36 [LDS-IGI-1993] International Genealogical Index (IGI), Salt Lake City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1993, edition 1993-02-28.
10 S40 [MN-1895b] "Litchfield, Meeker County, Minnesota," Minnesota State Population Census Schedules, 1865 - 1905: Fourth Decennial Census of Minnesota,
St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota Historical Society, roll V290_76, page 2.
11 S42 [Nolthenius-1998] Nolthenius, Karel Tutein, Tutein Family, By the author, 1998.
12 S44 [US-1850-1a] "Milam and Williamson District, Milam County, Texas," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Record Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 913, sheet 1A.
13 S45 [US-1850-1b] "Ward 1, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 334, page 56B.
14 S46 [US-1860-1a] "Township of Burnsville, Dakota County, Minnesota," Eighth Census of the United States, 1860,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M653, roll 568, page 141.
15 S47 [US-1870-1a1] "Township of Harvey, Meeker County, Minnesota," Ninth Census of the United States, 1870 - Addendum,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T132, roll 7, image 442, page 8.
16 S50 [Connell-1999] Amy Connell (submitter), Ancestors of Mary Traylor Rowlett.
17 S51 [US-1850-1c] "Pine Flat Beat, Dallas County, Alabama," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 4, sheet 237B.
18 S52 [US-1850-1d] "Town of Theresa, Dodge County, Wisconsin," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 996, sheet 223B.
19 S53 [Herndon-1950a] Herndon, John Goodwin, The Herndons of the American Revolution, Part 1: John Herndon of Charlotte County, VA, Naples, Florida: Dudley Herndon, 2000.
20 S54 [US-1860-1b] "City of Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts," Eighth Census of the United States, 1860,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M653, roll 526, page 291.
21 S55 [US-1910-1a] "Hugo City, Choctaw County, Oklahoma," Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T624, roll 1247, E.D. 58, sheet 23A.
22 S68 [USGenWeb-1998d] Sarrett, Paul R. Jr, Marriages from York County, SC Newspaper Notice's (1823-1865), The USGenWeb Project (
23 S69 [US-1920-1b] "1st Ward, Fond du Lac City, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin," Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T625, roll 1986, E.D. 30, sheet 3A.
24 S70 [US-1880-1b] "5th Ward, City of Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin," Tenth Census of the United States, 1880,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T9, roll 1425, E.D. 41, sheet 213D, page 32.
25 S80 [US-1860-1c] "City of Chelsea, Suffolk County, Massachusetts," Eighth Census of the United States, 1860,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M653, roll 526, page 281.
26 S81 [US-1880-1c] "Precinct No. 6, Williamson County, Texas," Tenth Census of the United States, 1880,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T9, roll 1333, E.D. 161, sheet 555A, page 49.
27 S82 [Stiles-1986] Stiles, Edith Jordan and Dora Dean Rudd, Francis Seaborn Stiles Family.
28 S83 [US-1880-1d] "Precinct No. 6, Williamson County, Texas," Tenth Census of the United States, 1880,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T9, roll 1333, E.D. 161, sheet 556C, page 51.
29 S85 [Anderson-1998] Anderson, Diane (submitter), Descendents of William Stiles and Piety Ellis.
30 S86 [US-1850-1f] "Lowndes District, Lowndes County, Alabama," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 8, sheet 118A.
31 S107 [US-1880-1e] "Manannah, Meeker County, Minnesota," Tenth Census of the United States, 1880,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T9, roll 626, E.D. 50, page 12D.
32 S109 [US-1900-1a] "Justice Precinct 1, Lamar County, Texas," Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T623, roll 1652, E.D. 62, sheet 14A.
33 S113 [Anderson-1964] Anderson, Ethel Nichols et al., Draper Families in America, Nashville, Tennessee: The Parthenon Press, 1964.
34 S114 [US-1880-1f] "Massachusetts," Tenth Census of the United States, 1880 - SOUNDEX,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T754, roll 20, code E235 (Eastman).
35 S116 [US-1900-1b] "Exeter Town, Rockingham County, New Hampshire," Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T623, roll 950, E.D. 191, sheet 21A, line 19.
36 S118 [Brothers-1999b] Brothers, Ron, Lamar County, Texas - Marriages 1841 - 1910, Paris, Texas: Lamar County, Texas Genealogical Society, 1999.
37 S119 [Brothers-1999a] Brothers, Ron, Lamar County, Texas - Cemetery Records, Paris, Texas: Lamar County, Texas Genealogical Society, 1999.
38 S120 [Nix-2000] Nix, Kenneth Richard (submitter), Descendents of George Perry Langford and Mary Collins.
39 S121 [US-1860-1d2] "4th Ward, Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin," Eighth Census of the United States, 1860,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M653, roll 1408, sheet 590, page 96.
40 S122 [US-1850-1g1] "Cornish, York County, Maine," Seventh Census of the United States, 1850,
Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M432, roll 276, sheet 240B, line 40.
41 S123 [USGS] Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), United States Geological Survey.
42 S126 [Austin-1995a] Austin, John D., Mayflower Families Through Five Generations - Stephen Hopkins, Plymouth, Massachusetts: General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 1995, Volume 6, Second Edition.
43 S131 [Meeker-2000a] Meeker County, Minnesota - Birth & Death Record, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume C.
44 S132 [Rosenow-1990] Rosenow, Diane et al., Meeker County Minnesota Cemeteries, Volumes 1 and 2, Roseville, Minnesota: Park Genealogical Books, 1990.
45 S133 [Meeker-2000b] Meeker County, Minnesota - Death Record, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, volume D.
46 S134 [Meeker-2000c] Meeker County, Minnesota - Birth & Death Record, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume A.
47 S135 [Meeker-2000d] Meeker County, Minnesota - Birth & Death Record, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume B.
48 S136 [Meeker-2000e] Meeker County, Minnesota - Marriage Record, 1903 - 1906, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume I.
49 S137 [Meeker-2000f] Meeker County, Minnesota - Marriage Record, 1879 - 1883, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume C.
50 S138 [Meeker-2000g] Meeker County, Minnesota - Marriage Record, Apr 1927 - Mar 1932, Meeker County, Minnesota: Office of the Meeker County Treasurer, Volume N.
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