Lindell-Herndon Genealogy
Genealogy of the Lindell, Herndon, Bonnell, and Fairbanks families.
Robert Fairbanks

Robert Fairbanks[1]

Male 1867 - 1931  (64 years)

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  • Sources 
    1. [S315] [Herndon-2024] Herndon, William Robert, Lindell-Herndon Genealogy, Washington, District of Columbia: By the author, 2024.

    2. [S3] [Fairbanks-1978] Fairbanks, Robert Stanley, Fairbanks, Lowe, and Chadwick Families.

    3. [S448] [US-INS-1898a] "Naturalization Petition - Robert Fairbanks," Index to New England Naturalization Petitions, 1791 - 1906, Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 2010, reel M1299-69, certificate 333-103.

    4. [S185] [Sligo-1867] "Birth Entry for Robert Fairbanks," Ireland, Births and Baptisms, 1620 - 1911, Index, Salt Lake City, Utah: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, reference 101158.

    5. [S398] [Fairbanks-1949] Fairbanks, Nancy Ruth, "Fairbanks/Tutein Family History".

    6. [S213] [US-1900-1c] "Precinct 9, Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts," Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900,
      Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T623, roll 676, E.D. 1168, sheet 8A.

    7. [S320] [US-1930-1a] "Precinct 2, Melrose City, Middlesex County, Massachusetts," Fifteenth Census of the United States, 1930,
      Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T626, roll 925, E.D. 339, sheet 20A.

    8. [S440] [US-NARA-1888a] "Passenger Manifest of the SS Pavonia," Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, Massachusetts, 1820 - 1891, Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication M277, group 36, roll 105, number 163, entry 8.

    9. [S446] [Holbrook-1893a] "Birth Entry for Samuel Richard Fairbanks," Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620 - 1988: Births Registered in the City of Boston During the Year 1893, Provo, Utah: Holbrook Research Institute, 2011, volume 62B, page 107, entry 10111.

    10. [S447] [Holbrook-1895a] "Birth Entry for Florence Martha Fairbanks," Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620 - 1988: Births Registered in the City of Boston During the Year 1895, Provo, Utah: Holbrook Research Institute, 2011, entry 9692.

    11. [S838] [NEHGS-1904a] "Birth Entry - Emily Elizabeth Fairbanks," Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840 – 1911: Births Registered in the City of Boston for the Year 1904, Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, volume 545, page 136, entry 6112.

    12. [S656] [US-1910-1m] "Town of Winthrop, Suffolk County, Massachusetts," Thirteenth Census of the United States, 1910,
      Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) , publication T624, roll 626, E.D. 1690, sheet 18A.

    13. [S384] [US-1920-1k] "Ward 2, Melrose City, Middlesex County, Massachusetts," Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920,
      Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), publication T625, roll 925, E.D. 335, sheet 6B.

    14. [S65] [NRoS-1860a] "Marriage Record of Richard Fairbanks and Euphemia Thompson," Statutory Registers of Marriages in Scotland, 1855 - 2009, Edinburgh, Scotland: National Records of Scotland, reference 441/00 0004, page 2, number 4.

    15. [S837] [NEHGS-1893b] "Marriage Entry - Robert Fairbanks and Hannah E. Lowe," Massachusetts Vital Records, 1840 – 1911: Marriages Registered in the City of Boston for the Year 1893, Boston, Massachusetts: New England Historic Genealogical Society, volume 435, page 29, entry 510.

    16. [S448] [US-INS-1898a] "Naturalization Petition - Robert Fairbanks," Index to New England Naturalization Petitions, 1791 - 1906, Washington, District of Columbia: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 2010, reel M1299-69, certificate 333-103.

    17. [S555] [WCRO-2013a] "Baptismal Entry for John Edward Fairbanks," Warwickshire Anglican Registers, Warwick, England: Warwickshire County Record Office, 2013, reference DR 177/4, archive reel Engl/2/1061, page 57, entry 452.

    18. [S447] [Holbrook-1895a] "Birth Entry for Florence Martha Fairbanks," Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620 - 1988: Births Registered in the City of Boston During the Year 1895, Provo, Utah: Holbrook Research Institute, 2011, entry 9692.

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